
Acclamation, n.

A shout of applause, uttered by a multitude. Anciently, acclamation was a form of words, uttered with vehemence, somewhat resembling a song, sometimes accompanied by applauses which were given by the hands. Acclamations were ecclesiastical, military, nuptial, senatorial, synodical, theatrical, &c; they were musical, and rhythmical, and bestowed for joy, respect, and even reproach, and often accompanied with words, repeated five, twenty, and even sixty and eighty times. In the later ages of Rome, acclamations were performed by a chorus of music instructed for the purpose. In modern times, acclamations are expressed by huzzas, by clapping of hands, and often by repeating vivat rex, vivat respublica, long live the king or republic, or other words expressive of joy and good wishes.