Aberration, n.
In astronomy, a small apparent motion of the fixed stars, occasioned by the progressive motion of light and the earth's annual motion in its orbit. By this, they sometimes appear twenty seconds distant from their true situation.
Found poetry from the first edition of Noah Webster's
American Dictionary of the English Language (1828).
A new definition every day.
In astronomy, a small apparent motion of the fixed stars, occasioned by the progressive motion of light and the earth's annual motion in its orbit. By this, they sometimes appear twenty seconds distant from their true situation.
To move slowly on the feet; to step slowly along; to advance by steps moderately repeated; as animals.
A species of spider, the Aranea tarantula, so called, it is said, from Tarentum in Apulia, where this animal is mostly found; a venemous insect, whose bite gives name to a new disease, called tarantismus. This is said to be cured by music.
Flowers, in chimistry, fine particles of bodies, especially when raised by fire in sublimation, and adhering to the heads of vessels in the form of a powder or mealy substance; as the flowers of sulphur.
W is the twenty third letter of the English Alphabet. It takes its written form and its name from the union of two Vs, this being the form of the Roman capital letter which we call U. The name, double u, being given to it from its form or composition, and not from its sound, ought not to be retained. Every letter should be named for its sound, especially the vowels.
The matter that is driven into the hole bored into any thing for blasting. The powder being first put into the hole, and a tube for a conductor of the fire, the hole is rammed to fullness with brick-dust or other matter.
A substance whose parts change their relative position on the slightest pressure.
To be in natural commotion, like liquor when gently boiling; to bubble and hiss, as fermenting liquors, or any fluid, when some part escapes in an elastic form; to work, as new wine.
A sensation in sleep resembling the pressure of a weight on the breast or about the praecordia. It is usually the effect of indigestion or of a loaded stomach.
To draw the lines which exhibit the form of a thing; to mark out with lines; to make a draught; to sketch or design; as, to delineate the form of the earth, or a diagram.
That quality of a body in virtue of which peculiar properties reside in certain points; usually, as in electrified or magnetized bodies, properties of attraction or repulsion, or the power of taking a certain direction.
To strike with the nail of the finger, first placed against the ball of the thumb, and forced from that position with some violence.
Springing back; having the power of returning to the form from which it is bent, extended, pressed or distorted; having the inherent property of recovering its former figure, after any external pressure, which has altered that figure, is removed; rebounding; flying back. Thus a bow is elastic, and when the force which bends it is removed, it instantly returns to its former shape. The air is elastic; vapors are elastic; and when the force compressing them is removed, they instantly expand or dilate, and recover their former state.
Having a steep or precipitous declivity; as steepy crags; a poetical word.
No more, my goats, shall I behold you climb the steepy cliffs.
To go with the nose near the ground, or thrusting the nose into the ground like a swine.
To secure against attacks or evil; to fortify against danger or violence; to set obstacles to the approach of any thing that can annoy. A garden may be defended by a grove. A camp may be defended by a wall, a hill, or a river.
A thread, string or line; particularly, a line or wire on which papers are strung in due order for preservation, and for conveniently finding them when wanted. Documents are kept on file.
A cask or utensil proper for holding liquors and other things, as a tun, a pipe, a puncheon, a hogshead, a barrel, a firkin, a bottle, a kettle, a cup, a dish, &c.
One of the extreme parts of the hand, a small member shooting to a point. The fingers have joints which peculiarly fit them to be the instruments of catching, seizing and holding.