Calk, v.t.
To drive oakum or old ropes untwisted, into the seams of a ship or other vessel, to prevent their leaking, or admitting water. After the seams are filled, they are covered with hot melted pitch or rosin, to keep the oakum from rotting.
Found poetry from the first edition of Noah Webster's
American Dictionary of the English Language (1828).
A new definition every day.
To drive oakum or old ropes untwisted, into the seams of a ship or other vessel, to prevent their leaking, or admitting water. After the seams are filled, they are covered with hot melted pitch or rosin, to keep the oakum from rotting.
One who maintains the origin of mountains, &c. to be from fire. The Plutonian theory of the formation of rocks and mountains is opposed to the Neptunian.
The hull of an old vessel sunk at the entrance of a harbor, to break or diminish the force of the waves, to secure the vessels in harbor.
The disposition of organized bodies to select and imbibe such portions of matter as serve to support and nourish them, or such particles as are designed, through their agency, to carry on the animal or vegetable economy. Attraction, or the tendency in bodies to move toward each other and unite.
Among miners, the operation of finding by means of a mine dial the place where to sink an air shaft, or to bring an adit to the work, or to find which way the lode inclines.
A frame or composition of junk, laid out at the sides, stem, or bows of ships to secure them from injury by ice.
Approbation and praise, expressed by clapping the hands, acclamation or huzzas. In antiquity, applause differed from acclamation; applause was expressed by the hands, and acclamation by the voice. There were three species of applause, the bombus, a confused din made by the hands or mouth; the imbrices and testae, made by beating a sort of sounding vessels in the theaters. Persons were appointed for the purpose of applauding, and masters were employed to teach the art. The applauders were divided into choruses, and placed opposite to each other, like the choristers in a cathedral.
The act of opening; more generally, an opening; a gap, cleft or chasm; a passage perforated; a hole through any solid substance. An opening of meaning; explanation.
An instrument consisting of a barrel or tube of iron or other metal fixed in a stock, from which balls, shot or other deadly weapons are discharged by the explosion of gunpowder. The larger species of guns are called cannon; and the smaller species are called muskets, carbines, fowling pieces, &c. But one species of fire-arms, the pistol, is never called a gun.
A low sound continued or continually repeated, as that of a stream running in a stony channel, or that of a flame.
A small particle of fire or ignited substance, which is emitted from bodies in combustion, and which either ascends with the smoke, or is darted in another direction.
The part of a plow which cuts the ground at the bottom of the furrow, and raises the slice to the mold-board, which turns it over.
Noah Webster has two collage poems, "Webster's Body" and "Physician's Advice," in the current issue of Shampoo.
It's a great issue. I especially liked Sean Reagan's "Baking Bread in Winter," Marie Larson's poems from Leviathan, Scott Inguito's "Instead of Bread," and Kiely Sweatt's "You're just a mountain."
...and for a little something extra, my dear friend Shana's chapbook Donner: A Passing is just out at Finishing Line Press.
1. Noise; report; the object of hearing; that which strikes the ear; or more philosophically, an impression or the effect of an impression made on the organs of hearing by an impulse or vibration of the air, caused by a collision of bodies or by other means; as the sound of a trumpet or drum; the sound of the human voice; a horrid sound; a charming sound; a sharp sound; a high sound.
2. Noise without signification; empty noise; noise and nothing else.
Any scheme, stratagem or plan of a complicated nature, or consisting of many parts, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a mischievous one. A plot may be formed by a single person or by numbers. In the latter case, it is a conspiracy or intrigue. The latter word more generally denotes a scheme directed against individuals; the former against the government. But this distinction is not always observed.
Commission of rebellion, in law, a commission awarded against a person who treats the king's authority with contempt, in not obeying his proclamation according to his allegiance, and refusing to attend his sovereign when required; in which case, four commissioners are ordered to attach him wherever he may be found.
To try, as the depth of water and the quality of the ground, by sinking a plummet or lead, attached to a line on which are marked the number of fathoms. The lower end of the lead is covered with tallow, by means of which some portion of the earth, sand, gravel, shells, &c. of the bottom, adhere to it and are drawn up. By these means, and the depth of water and the nature of the bottom, which are carefully marked on good charts, seamen may known how far a ship is from land in the night or in thick weather, and in many cases when the land is too remote to be visible.
A leap by which a person jumps from a highth, turns over his head and falls upon his feet.
A repetition of words, beginning a sentence, after a long parenthesis; as, shall that heart, (which not only feels them, but which has all motions of life placed in them,) shall that heart, &c.