Snow, n.
Frozen vapor; water particles congealing into white crystals in the air, and falling to the earth. When there is no wind, these crystals fall in flakes or unbroken collections, sometimes extremely beautiful.
Found poetry from the first edition of Noah Webster's
American Dictionary of the English Language (1828).
A new definition every day.
Texture or organization of parts. The peculiar intimate structure of a part is called its tissue. A part of a fibrous structure is called a fibrous tissue. The organs of the body are made up of simpler elements, some generally diffused through the body, and others peculiar to particular organs. These simpler structures are called the tissues of the body; as the cellular tissue; the mucous tissue, &c.
In America, unlocated lands are such new or wild lands as have not been surveyed, appropriated or designated by marks, limits or boundaries, to some individual, company or corporation.
In shipbuilding, a piece of elm, close fitted and sheathed with copper, in the throating or score of the pintle, to keep the rudder from rising.
A composition for setting fire to powder, &c. frequently used in preference to a match. It is wet or dry. The wet is composed of saltpeter, four parts, of sulphur one, and of mealed powder four; mixed and sifted, moistened with a little lintseed oil, and well rubbed. The dry is composed of saltpeter, four parts, sulphur one, mealed powder two, and antimony one. These compositions are driven into small papers for use.
Care for something more than a dictionary definition today? The independent, free press Beard of Bees has just published an online chapbook of my political poems called Common Sensed. It's basically me reading political texts to my computer, using the "Speech Recognition" function of Microsoft Word, while the computer struggles to keep up. Free for the taking at
Moving in the manner of waves; or resembling the motion of waves, which successively rise or swell and fall. We speak of the undulatory motion of water, of air or other fluid, and this undulatory motion of air is supposed to be the cause of sounds. This is sometimes called vibratory; but undulatory seems to be most correct.
A harbor; a haven; any bay, cove, inlet or recess of the sea or of a lake or the mouth of a river, which ships or vessels can enter, and where they can lie safe from injury by storms. Ports may be natural or artificial, and sometimes works of art, as piers and moles, are added to the natural shores of a place to render a harbor more safe.
Port of the voice, in music, the faculty or habit of making the shakes, passages and diminutions, in which the beauty of a song consists.
The surface of land or upper part of the earth, without reference to the materials which compose it. We apply ground to soil, sand or gravel indifferently, but never apply it to the whole mass of the earth or globe, nor to any portion of it when removed. We never say a shovel full or a load of ground. We say under ground, but not under earth; and we speak of the globe as divided into land and water, not into ground and water. Yet ground, earth and land are often used synonymously. We say, the produce or fruits of the ground, of the earth, or of land. The water overflows the low ground, or the low land.
To set the teeth together and open the lips, or to open the mouth and withdraw the lips from the teeth, so as to show them, as in laughter or scorn.
A machine, in the human form, which, by certain springs, performs some of the natural motions of a living man. One of these machines, invented by M. Vaucanson, appeared at Paris in 1738, representing a flute player.
An iron instrument for holding a ship or other vessel at rest in water. It is a strong shank, with a ring at one end, to which a cable may be fastened; and with two arms and flukes at the other end, forming a suitable angle with the shank to enter the ground. In seamen's language, the anchor comes home, when it is dislodged from its bed, so as to drag by the violence of the wind, sea or current.
The dew of May, which is said to whiten linen, and to afford by repeated distillations, a red and odoriferous spirit.