
Chimistry, n.

Chimistry is a science, the object of which is to discover the nature and properties of all bodies by analysis and synthesis.

Chimistry is that science which explains the intimate mutual action of all natural bodies.

Analysis or decomposition, and synthesis or combination, are the two methods which chimistry uses to accomplish its purposes.

Chimistry may be defined, the science which investigates the composition of material substances, and the permanent changes of constitution which their mutual actions produce.

Chimistry may be defined, that science, the object of which is to discover and explain the changes of composition that occur among the integrant and constituent parts of different bodies.

Chimistry is the science which treats of those events and changes in natural bodies, which are not accompanied by sensible motions.

Chimistry is justly considered as a science, but the practical operations may be denominated an art.


Bird-call, n.

A little stick, cleft at one end, in which is put a leaf of some plant for imitating the cry of birds. A laurel leaf counterfeits the voice of lapwings; a leek, that of nightingales; &c.


Anarch, n.

The author of confusion; one who excites revolt.


See, v.i.

See is used imperatively, to call the attention of others to an object or a subject. See, see, how the balloon ascends.


Ruffling, n.

A particular beat or roll of the drum, used on certain occasions as a mark of respect.


Rumbud, n.

A grog blossom; the popular name of a redness occasioned by the detestable practice of excessive drinking. Rumbuds usually appear first on the nose, and gradually extend over the face.


Mouth, n.

The aperture in the head of an animal, between the lips, by which he utters his voice and receives food.


Mounted, pp.

Raised; seated on horseback; placed on a carriage; covered or embellished; furnished with guns.


Amatory, a.

Relating to love; as amatorial verses; causing love; as amatory potions; produced by sexual intercourse; as, amatorial progeny. In anatomy, a term applied to the oblique muscles of the eye, from their use in ogling.


Remember, v.t.

To have in the mind an idea which had been in the mind before, and which recurs to the mind without effort.


Fother, v.t.

To endeavor to stop a leak in the bottom of a ship, while afloat, by letting down a sail by the corners, and putting chopped yarns, oakum, wool, cotton, &c. between it and the ship's sides. These substances are sometimes sucked into the cracks and the leak stopped.

Refresh, v.t.

To revive what is drooping.


Reek, v.i.

To steam; to exhale; to emit vapor; applied especially to the vapor of certain moist substances, rather than to the smoke of burning bodies.


Form, n.

The shape or external appearance of a body; the figure, as defined by lines and angles; that manner of being peculiar to each body, which exhibits it to the eye as distinct from every other body. Thus we speak of the form of a circle, the form of a square or triangle, a circular form, the form of the head or of the human body, a handsome form, an ugly form, a frightful form. Matter is the basis or substratum of bodies; form is the particular disposition of matter in each body which distinguishes its appearance from that of every other body.


Relay, n.

A supply of horses placed on the road to be in readiness to relieve others, that a traveler may proceed without delay.


Trow, v.i.

To believe; to trust; to think or suppose. Trow is used in the imperative, as a word of inquiry.

What means the fool, trow?


Frame, v.t.

To fit or prepare and unite several parts in a regular structure or entire thing; to fabricate by orderly construction and union of various parts.