Vote, n.
United voice in public prayer.
Found poetry from the first edition of Noah Webster's
American Dictionary of the English Language (1828).
A new definition every day.
To break in upon a ship. When the waves break in upon a ship riding at anchor, it is said, they overrake her, or she is overraked.
A sign that gives or is intended to give notice; or the notice given. Signals are used to communicate notice, information, orders and the like, to persons at a distance, and by any persons and for the purpose. A signal may be a motion of the hand, the raising of a flag, the firing of a gun, or any thing which, being understood by persons at a distance, may communicate notice. Signals are particularly useful in the navigation of fleets and in naval engagements. There are day-signals, which are usually made by the sails, by flags and pendants, or guns; night-signals, which are lanterns disposed in certain figures, or false fires, rockets, or the firing of guns; fog-signals, which are made by sounds, as firing of guns, beating of drums, ringing of bells, &c. There are signals of evolution, addressed to a whole fleet, to a division or to a squadron; signals of movements to particular ships; and signals of service, general or particular.
To draw out or drain off the whole of any thing; to draw out, till nothing of the matter drawn is left. We exhaust the water in a well, by drawing or pumping; the water of a marsh is exhausted by draining; the moisture of the earth is exhausted by evaporation.